There are a lot of places where you can find Gingerbread man in Adopt Me. You can find them in game modes like present shuffle, rescue the animal and go ice skating.
How does the present shuffle game work?
How the Present shuffle game works is there will be 5 presents. There are 2 presents with coal and you don’t want to get them because they won’t give you any gingerbread.
There will be three presents with gingerbread and you want to get those.
How many rounds until the game ends?
There will be 3 rounds of the game before the game ends. You will see the presents shuffling. Keep track of the ones with gingerbread man. Rescue the animal.
The game will assign you a team. Whichever team you get on you will try to bust that animal out of the ice with your pickaxe. Whichever team breaks their animal first wins and gets the most gingerbread man.
Ice skating gingerbread man
How you get gingerbread from skating there will be a total of 640 gingerbread man in the ice skating rink you will go around and get the gingerbread man but don’t get hit by the penguin they will knock you down.